The “Folkking” Uprising
Master Harry Gulcher’s account of the Folkking Uprising. A new philosophy that questioned the divine right to rule.
All documents that pertain to the cannon lore of Medieval Discord’s timeline, either custom-written or submitted by the community. These posts have been curated and reviewed by Alexander and have been canonized after meeting the required criteria. If you want a better understanding of MD’s history and role-play that was significant enough to become official cannon, then you ought to read this.
Master Harry Gulcher’s account of the Folkking Uprising. A new philosophy that questioned the divine right to rule.
Master Harry Gulcher revisits Pope Alexander I’s notes regarding the Sirius Empire and dismantles a couple of myths.
Lord Marshal Argonon’s attempt to reform the Imperial Army in order to lessen the burden of its maintenance, while also increasing its efficacy.
The Rosewood Council of 1087 represents the height of freedom from Church domination within Europe. This would all change with the death of Pope Alexander I.
Harry Gulcher’s personal account of the opening of Rosewood’s Cathedral. Part of his written works which are stored in the Imperial Archives.
The last known written records of St. Athelstan of Rosewood. The pages containing these writing are kept within the Imperial Archives.
A local historian’s account of the wars that plague current times. It would be part of his collection of studies and unknown to the general public. Reserved for only the highest tiers of society.