The Chatersberg Question
A post describing an emerging threat on the Franco-Breton border. War might be upon the Kingdom of France once more.
Events that have been brought about by influential characters in Medieval Discord. The contribution these players have made to MD’s lore has been rewarded by the canonization of their existence and their escapades.
A post describing an emerging threat on the Franco-Breton border. War might be upon the Kingdom of France once more.
The liberal reforms that came from the Imperial Age and the Fifty Years’ War and how they lead to the creation of an extension of rulership known as the Parliament.
The Council of Bologna in 1210 represents the shift from the progressive policies of Alexander I, to a stricter dogma and less tolerant mindset within the Catholic Church.
The Rosewood Council of 1087 represents the height of freedom from Church domination within Europe. This would all change with the death of Pope Alexander I.