The Marriage of Government and God
Part of a theological text written by the first female Bishop in history. Her ascension would later prompt the Great Schism of 1087.
All documents that pertain to the cannon lore of Medieval Discord’s timeline, either custom-written or submitted by the community. These posts have been curated and reviewed by Alexander and have been canonized after meeting the required criteria. If you want a better understanding of MD’s history and role-play that was significant enough to become official cannon, then you ought to read this.
Part of a theological text written by the first female Bishop in history. Her ascension would later prompt the Great Schism of 1087.
Preserved parts of a modified version of the Bible, in which Genesius is thought to be a prophet who would cleanse the Earth of all sin.
A legend from the streets of Rosewood, the Jester and his greatest heist.
What remains of the Ragusa Memoirs tells us of the beauty of Alparis during the years before the plague.
An uncovered text, supposedly written by Father Genesius of the Genesian Order prior to his arrival in Rosewood.
A poem written by the then Bishop of Rosewood, Father Tobias, detailing the City where he spent most of his time.
A historical text written by Pope Alexander, detailing the three Kingdom during the Imperial Age. Most of his claims were later disputed.
A philosophical text written by a Rosewood-based scholar debating the social role of women within the City.
A text written by Pope Alexander I, detailing ancient events since the age of Charlemagne, up until the founding of the Sirius Dynasty.