1. The Duchy of Egirth
Ruler: King Torrino III Sirius
Dynasty: Sirius
Ruler’s spouse and heir: None
Levy: 2.000
Vassal realms: Chatersberg and Dover
Largest settlement: Rosewood, City
Known for: Trade
2. The Duchy of Deston
Ruler: Duke Pier II Roswalda
Dynasty: Roswalda
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Jane de Varon, James Roswalda
Levy: 1.500
Vassal realms: Alsace
Largest settlement: Deston, City
Known for: Grain
3. The Grand Duchy of Munrich
Ruler: Duke Jean-Albert I Wisser
Dynasty: Wisser
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Isabella von Hulle, Albert Wisser
Levy: 2.000
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Bron, Town
Known for: Mercenaries
4. The County of Champagne
Ruler: Count Louis VII de Chatersberg
Dynasty: de Chatersberg
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Georgina Dedover, Leopold de Chatersberg
Levy: 700
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Reyms, Town
Known for: Cheese
5. The County of Astrasia
Ruler: Countess Victoria I de Valois
Dynasty: de Valois
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Jacob, none
Levy: 500
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Lily, Town
Known for: Flowers
6. The County of Artois
Ruler: Count Ethan I de Picardie
Dynasty: de Picardie
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Olivia Grailly, John de Picardie
Levy: 1.000
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Arras, Town
Known for: Fish
7. The Duchy of Normandie
Ruler: Duke Come II Dedover
Dynasty: Dedover
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Judith Howe, Oliver Dedover
Levy: 1.000
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Havre, City
Known for: Boats
8. The Duchy of Norman-Dover
Ruler: Duke Alfred I Dover
Dynasty: Dover
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Henrietta Craon, Arthur Dover
Levy: 800
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Chatervill, City
Known for: Trade
9. The County of Maine
Ruler: Countess Elizabeth I de Maine
Dynasty: de Maine
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Clement Rexheim, John de Maine
Levy: 800
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Ren, Town
Known for: Beef
10. The Duchy of Anjou
Ruler: Duke Charles II Anjou-Sirius
Dynasty: Anjou-Sirius
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Giselle Bulle, Louis Anjou-Sirius
Levy: 1.000
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Nantes, City
Known for: Grain
11. The Duchy of Donofall
Ruler: Duke Louis IV de Rohan
Dynasty: de Rohan
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Francine Bleumont, Arthur de Rohan
Levy: 900
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Tours, City
Known for: Horses
12. The Duchy of Orleans
Ruler: Duke Victor II d’Orleans
Dynasty: d’Orleans
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Simone Ambre, Philip d’Orleans
Levy: 1.700
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Orleans, City
Known for: Steel
13. The County of Alsace
Ruler: Countess Theodora I Emril
Dynasty: Emril
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Alexander Everoux, Celine Emril
Levy: 400
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Strasburg, Town
Known for: Castles
14. The Duchy of Poitou
Ruler: Duke John I Pollux
Dynasty: Pollux
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Johanna Maravin, John Pollux
Levy: 1.000
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Poitiers, Town
Known for: Pearls
15. The Duchy of Bourbon
Ruler: Charles I Bourbon-Burgund
Dynasty: Bourbon-Burgund
Ruler’s spouse and heir: widowed, Albert Bourbon-Burgund
Levy: 900
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Lewcon, Town
Known for: Wine
16. The County of Jura
Ruler: Count Timothe II Toucy
Dynasty: Toucy
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Catrina Lalaing, Maximilian Toucy
Levy: 600
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Bellfort, Town
Known for: Iron
17. The Bishopric of Perie
Ruler: Bishop Liam II
Dynasty: None
Ruler’s spouse and heir: None
Levy: 500
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Periegeux, Town
Known for: Wine
18. The County of Limousin
Ruler: Count Alexander I Romanet
Dynasty: Romanet
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Ines Erlanger, William Romanet
Levy: 800
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Limoges, Town
Known for: Vellum
19. The County of Dafny
Ruler: Count Charles II Dafny-Sirius
Dynasty: Dafny-Sirius
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Elizabeth Marche, James Dafny-Sirius
Levy: 400
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Clermont, Town
Known for: Manuscripts
20. The Bishopric of Arles
Ruler: Bishop Mathias I
Dynasty: None
Ruler’s spouse and heir: None
Levy: 1.000
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Lyon, City
Known for: Wine
21. The County of Savoie
Ruler: Count Philip I d’Savoie-Sirius
Dynasty: d’Savoie-Sirius
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Antwanette Hugo, Victor d’Savoie-Sirius
Levy: 700
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Chamburry, Town
Known for: Mercenaries
22. The Duchy of Languedoc
Ruler: Duke Michael II Levis
Dynasty: Levis
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Rosemund de Chatersberg, Louis Levis
Levy: 1.000
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Toulouse, City
Known for: Plate Armor
23. The Duchy of High Provence
Ruler: Duke Mateo III Polignac
Dynasty: Polignac
Ruler’s spouse and heir: Rachel Ambroise, John Polignac
Levy: 1.000
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Marcelly, City
Known for: Slaves
24. The Grand Duchy of Aqvintia
Ruler: Duke Gerald III Gerangian-Sirius
Dynasty: Gerangian-Sirius
Ruler’s spouse and heir: widowed, Maria Gerangian-Sirius
Levy: 1.750
Vassal realms: None
Largest settlement: Bordeaux, City
Known for: Women