Italia (20 in total)
36. The Kingdom of Sicily
Ruler: King Alonzo II de Hauteville
State religion: Roman Catholicism (95% of population)
Government type: Hereditary Feudal Agnatic Monarchy
Approximate fighting strength: 1.100
Notable insight: Has oversees holdings that want independence
Vassals: None
Allies: None
Rivals: Sardinia (35), Salemo (38)
38. The Duchy of Salemo
Ruler: Duke William III de Hauteville
State religion: Roman Catholicism (88% of population)
Government type: Hereditary Feudal Agnatic Monarchy
Approximate fighting strength: 600
Notable insight: None
Vassals: None
Allies: Naples (37)
Rivals: Sicily (36)
37. The Kingdom of Naples
Ruler: King George I de Hauteville
State religion: Roman Catholicism (85% of population)
Government type: Hereditary Feudal Agnatic Monarchy
Approximate fighting strength: 1.200
Notable insight: Excommunicated
Vassals: Benevento (39)
Allies: Salemo (38)
Rivals: Sicily (36), Papal State (40)
40. The Papal State
Ruler: Pope Alexander V
State religion: Roman Catholicism (99% of population)
Government type: Elective Absolute Cognatic Theocracy
Approximate fighting strength: 800
Notable insight: Leader of Christendom
Vassals: None
Allies: Elba (43)
Rivals: Naples (37)
41. The Duchy of Spoleto
Ruler: Duke Alexandro I Spoleto
State religion: Roman Catholicism (94% of population)
Government type: Hereditary Feudal Agnatic Monarchy
Approximate fighting strength: 1.000
Notable insight: None
Vassals: None
Allies: Siena (42)
Rivals: Tuscany (44)
39. The County of Benevento
Ruler: Count Julio I Normani
State religion: Roman Catholicism (90% of population)
Government type: Hereditary Feudal Agnatic Monarchy
Approximate fighting strength: 800
Notable insight: None
Vassals: None
Allies: None
Rivals: Ragusa (63)
42. The Republic of Siena
Ruler: Podesta Alfonso Frescobaldi
State religion: Roman Catholicism (95% of population)
Government type: Elective Plutocratic Agnatic Republic
Approximate fighting strength: 500
Notable insight: None
Vassals: None
Allies: Pisa (46)
Rivals: None
43. The Divine Order of Elba
Ruler: Grandmaster Roberto I Knight in the Service of God
State religion: Roman Catholicism (98% of population)
Government type: Elective Absolute Cognatic Theocracy
Approximate fighting strength: 8.000
Notable insight: Defender of Christendom
Vassals: None
Allies: Papal State (40)
Rivals: None
44. The Kingdom of Tuscany
Ruler: King Stefano III di Canossa
State religion: Roman Catholicism (91% of population)
Government type: Hereditary Feudal Agnatic Monarchy
Approximate fighting strength: 1.200
Notable insight: Hostile towards Italian Republicanism
Vassals: Ferrara (45)
Allies: Modena (51)
Rivals: Spoleto (41)
45. The Marquisate of Ferrara
Ruler: Lord Carlo I Orsini del Balzo
State religion: Roman Catholicism (93% of population)
Government type: Hereditary Feudal Agnatic Monarchy
Approximate fighting strength: 300
Notable insight: None
Vassals: None
Allies: None
Rivals: None
46. The Republic of Pisa
Ruler: Podesta Luzzo Ruspoli
State religion: Roman Catholicism (94% of population)
Government type: Elective Plutocratic Agnatic Republic
Approximate fighting strength: 400
Notable insight: None
Vassals: None
Allies: Siena (42)
Rivals: Florence (47)
47. The Republic of Florence
Ruler: Podesta Gastone de’ Medici
State religion: Catharism (41% of population)
Government type: Elective Plutocratic Agnatic Republic
Approximate fighting strength: 500
Notable insight: None
Vassals: None
Allies: Genoa (49)
Rivals: Pisa (46)
48. The Republic of Nice
Ruler: Podesta Giovani Vinicio
State religion: Roman Catholicism (85% of population)
Government type: Elective Plutocratic Agnatic Republic
Approximate fighting strength: 200
Notable insight: None
Vassals: None
Allies: Genoa (49)
Rivals: None
49. The Republic of Genoa
Ruler: Doge Leopoldo II Cornaro
State religion: Roman Catholicism (65% of population)
Government type: Elective Merchant Agnatic Republic
Approximate fighting strength: 1.000
Notable insight: Controls trade in most of the North Western Mediterranean.
Vassals: None
Allies: Genoa (49)
Rivals: Sardinia (35)
35. The Duchy of Sardinia
Ruler: Duke Alessandro II Canelles
State religion: Roman Catholicism (82% of population)
Government type: Hereditary Feudal Agnatic Monarchy
Approximate fighting strength: 1.000
Notable insight: Trying to push out Sardinia from its south
Vassals: None
Allies: None
Rivals: Genoa (49)
50. The Bishopric of Trent
Ruler: Bishop Niccolo II
State religion: Roman Catholicism (86% of population)
Government type: Elective Feudal Cognatic Theocracy
Approximate fighting strength: 600
Notable insight: None
Vassals: None
Allies: Montferrat (34)
Rivals: Milan (53)
34. The County of Montferrat
Ruler: Count Uranio III de Sanseverino
State religion: Roman Catholicism (54% of population)
Government type: Elective Feudal Agnatic Monarchy
Approximate fighting strength: 500
Notable insight: None
Vassals: None
Allies: Trent (50)
Rivals: Milan (53)
53. The Duchy of Milan
Ruler: Duke Albert Salvatorio I d’Este
State religion: Catharism (37% of population)
Government type: Hereditary Feudal Agnatic Monarchy
Approximate fighting strength: 900
Notable insight: None
Vassals: None
Allies: Venice (52)
Rivals: Trent (50), Montferrat (34)
51. The Bishopric of Mantua
Ruler: Bishop Santino I
State religion: Roman Catholicism (95% of population)
Government type: Elective Feudal Cognatic Theocracy
Approximate fighting strength: 500
Notable insight: None
Vassals: None
Allies: None
Rivals: None
52. The Republic of Venice
Ruler: Serene Doge Pasquale I Donato
State religion: Roman Catholicism (77% of population)
Government type: Elective Merchant Agnatic Republic
Approximate fighting strength: 2.000
Notable insight: Controls trade in most of the Eastern Mediterranean.
Vassals: None
Allies: None
Rivals: Dalmatia (57), Byzantium (69)